Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hysterectomy And Hormones How Many Of You Ladies Had To Have A Hysterectomy After Having A Tubal Ligation?

How many of you ladies had to have a hysterectomy after having a tubal ligation? - hysterectomy and hormones

I wonder if it is as widespread as I believe it is. I need to know how many of you have had a partial or complete hysterectomy a few years after undergoing tubal ligation. Every woman I know who has a tube end, with tons of menstrual complications and had to undergo a hysterectomy in 4 years. I'm curious if this is the rule.

1 comment:

Lady Celtic said...

I have had nothing but problems with my tubes.
Firstly, after my third child I had a snorkel-tion. This is where cut, burn the ends to solve then. I'm pregnant again!
I had a tuba ligation on the other side had had a vasectomy and my husband to stop the bleeding after the halls of questions. It took a while for me to find a doctor who listens to too. All male doctors told me it was only in my head. I have 56 (no exaggeration) is often blocked during the night cycle. Yes, I continue to follow!
I was in pain halfway through, like a white, hot tearing, while standing or walking, always in my head!
I finally had a complete hysterectomy, and my wife's gynecologist has seen with his own eyes, and took pictures to show me?
My uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries were completely surrounded by scar tissue. I also discovered the pain that I lived, was one inch tear in my intestines. My Endrometrious grows on the outside, was joined on the inner wall of the stomach, and very likely he had killed a few years.

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